Getting to Know Jack Pladdys
In 1982, while serving as a member of the US Air Force stationed at Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan, Jack launched his calling career in his off-duty time with two local clubs. Upon moving to Dayton, Ohio in 1983, he called regularly for an Advanced and three Plus clubs. It was in Ohio that Jack had the fortune of meeting Chuck & Bobbie Myers. Chuck became Jack’s “mentor” and helped him learn the craft of calling not only from the technical aspect but also from the importance of being a positive influence and striving to better the activity. Jack attributes his success and accomplishments 100% to the role modeling and teachings of Chuck & Bobbie.
Jack moved to Utah in 1989 where he again worked regularly for an Advanced and three Plus clubs. Jack retired from the Air Force in 1992 and relocated to Ohio. Together Jack & Sherry spend the week managing a very busy home program calling and teaching for two Plus clubs, an Advanced, and a C1 group. Jack has taught beginner lesson classes every year since he started calling. He believes the existence of Square Dancing is dependent upon all callers staying passionate about the activity and dedicated to always teaching new dancers every year.
Jack is an active member of CALLERLAB where he serves on the Board of Governors, is the Chairman of the Marketing Committee, and an Accredited Caller Coach. He is the Central US Leader for Grand Square International, Inc., an organization focusing on the promotion and preservation of Square Dancing through caller education. He is current Vice President of the Miami Valley Callers Association in Dayton, Ohio. He runs the Midwest Caller College, is a staff coach of the National Square Dance Convention GSI Caller schools and has served on education panels at several CALLERLAB and National Conventions.
Jack has traveled and called extensively throughout the United States, Canada, Japan, the Middle East, and Europe. He has been a featured caller for numerous state conventions, festivals, and square dance resorts throughout the US and abroad and is currently on staff at Pride Resort in North Carolina. Jack and Sherry call for and administrate several weekends, festivals, and square dance cruises yearly including the Winter Fiesta (FL), the Winter Fest Caribbean Cruise, Smokin’ in Rail City (OH), August Gatlinburg Getaway (TN), and Spring Extravaganza (IN). Jack currently records square dance music with Royal Records. He has previously recorded with Chicago Country Records, Desert Recordings, ESP Records, and Gold Rush Records.
Jack & Sherry make Indian Springs, Ohio home about 30 miles north of Cincinnati. He still works a day job as the Purchasing & Logistics Manager for Pioneer Automotive Technologies of Springboro, Ohio. Collectively, he & Sherry have six children and thirteen grandchildren.
Check out the links below to learn more about Jack Pladdys - and plan to attend the 2025 WI State Square and Round Dance Convention and get to know him personally!
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