Your 64th WI Convention Volunteer Team Members

Co-General Chairman

Mike and Michelle Seurer
Wolf River Area

Co-General Chairman

Karen and Ellery Gulbrand
Wolf River Area


Ron Mueller
Wolf River Area


Tony Pickar
Wolf River Area

Registration Chairman

Steve and Cheryl Thomas
Wolf River Area

Publicity Chairman

Mike Short
Wolf River Area


Bob Asp
Southwest Area


Peggy Weisensel Chavey
Central Northwest Area

Education Chairman

Flash and Mary Ann Gordon
Southeast Area

Youth Chairman

Dominic Gruetzmacher
Central Northwest Area

Housing/Camping Chairman

Wolf River Area

Retail Sales

Marilyn Kittle and Stephanie Esser
Southwest Area


Eldon & Virginia Boehm
Southwest Area

Showcase of Ideas

Wayne and Lucy Mattson
Southeast Area

Fashion Show

Sharon Albright and Bob Tjensvold
Central Northwest Area

Special Events

Wayne and Lucy Mattson
Southeast Area


Tracy Hollatz
Central Northwest Area

Medical Services

Flash & Mary Ann Gordon
Southeast Area

Computer Services

Scott and Brenda Deal
Southwest Area


Are you interested in volunteering to help put on a Convention?

Please reach out to this years'
General Chairman